Hi, I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the change in weather. The Easter holidays have been and gone in the UK and my kids are back at school so I'm able to get back on track.
Aswell as upping the content of my Skype lessons, I have been trying to upload a little more regularly to Youtube. Please remember to come and subscribe to my channel 'Darren RIchards Guitarist' if you haven't already. Some of the videos will have links to freedownloads in my shop store on the main site.
In the meantime please check out this solo in the style of Rory Gallagher. Its based in Am and the licks are all based around the A natural minor, A minor pentatonic and A blues scale. Its a great workout for the finger.
Satay safe and keep practising.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUTBD9